Our products

Through our consultancy and engineering services, we develop renewable energy power plants.

Our products

Engineering Team and Investigation+Development+Innovation (I+D+i)

Engineering team
  • Industrial processes conceptual, basic and detailed engineering
  • Integral counsel on electrical markets, environmental management and authorizations at competent entities
  • Specialized programs
  • Construction regulations: ANSI - DIN - ASME - IRAM - NFPA - ISA.
Servicios Ingeniería
Servicios Ingeniería Servicios Ingeniería Servicios Ingeniería Servicios Ingeniería Servicios Ingeniería

Our Services

Given our experience we can offer an integral service, from the inception of an idea or project to the daily operation of the plant.



Plant operation

Plant operation

Argentine Electrical Market Regulations

Argentine Electrical Market Regulations