Our history
The Bioelectrica® founders are a group of farmers and professionals with extensive experience in the field of agriculture and the management of renewable-energy-and-food-related businesses, who seek to add local value.
In 2011, Biomass Crop S.A. (Bioelectrica®) was founded with the aim to develop projects where biomass and local added value were at its heart. We began to think about Bioelectrica as a driving force in the development of distributed electric power produced from biogas.
In 2013 the construction of the Model Power Plant Bioelectrica Rio Cuarto began and, in November 2015, it started generating renewable electric power for its commercialization. In 2016 Bioelectrica participated in the first renewable energy tender of Argentina, the RenovAR Program - Round 1. The two projects that were presented - Central Bioelectrica Rio Cuarto 1 and Central Bioelectrica Rio Cuarto 2 - were awarded.
The plant Central Bioelectrica Rio Cuarto 1 from the Round 1 RenovAr Tender was the first project which started on 07/22/2017 and became a landmark in the history of renewable electric power in the whole country. This marked a double starting point. First, it meant the beginning of the fulfillment of the Renewable Electric Power Supply Agreement entered into with the Argentine Administrative Company of the Electricity Wholesale Market (Cammesa) almost a year and a half ahead of time. Also, it was the first project launched under the Round 1 RenovAr Tender. This program, fostered by the Argentine Ministry of Energy, aims to generate «green» energy production sources in an attempt to enforce Act 27.191. The main goal of this act is to have twenty per cent (20%) of the national electric power consumption from renewable energy to December 31st 2025, and so far there have been 59 projects, some approved and some in progress.
The other project, Central Bioelectrica Rio Cuarto 2, which was awarded in Round 1 RenovAr, has been generating renewable electric power since September 2018.
The Round 2 RenovAR took place in October 2017, where Bioelectrica® presented 4 biogas projects: two expansions of the current plants in Rio Cuarto, one plant to be built in Santa Catalina, province of Cordoba, and another one to be developed in Justo Daract, province of San Luis. All projects were awarded. At present, Central Bioelectrica 1 and 2 have reached a milestone in Operating Authorization.
In addition, given the experience Bioelectrica has gained throughout these years in the Argentine electrical market, we have been able to advise other companies on the design scope statements and other documents, as part of the Round 2 RenovAr to be part of the biomass-related technology. Their projects have also been awarded.
Within the framework of the MiniRen Round 3 RenovAr, we have advised Compañía Anglo de Tierras Córdoba S.A., which was awarded for its 1 MW project in Villa Maria del Rio Seco, province of Córdoba.